


















类别悬疑 恋爱 少女 灵异










简介《绝地天通》系列之《绝地天通 黄》:本篇讲述了附身于神秘男子摩泰坤身上的黄神为保护世界而继续战斗的故事!(每周二、周六更新)另,《绝地天通》漫画宇宙其它联动漫画——灰/黑/初/狐,剧情相对独立,偶有关联,无观看顺序,任意食用!欢迎加入官方交流QQ群:563351294




内容简介:【苏爽虐渣,婚后相爱,双向暗恋,佛系大佬vs娇软甜妻】初见之时,唐菀感慨:这江五爷真如传闻一般,禁欲落拓,骄矜洒然,只可惜,慧极必伤……是个短命鬼!而后的她,被某人带进了屋里,出来时众 人瞠目:怎么还哭了?——后来听闻,江五爷养病归来,带回了个姑娘。单纯无害,殊不知最温的酒却藏着最呛喉的烈,得罪了不少人。某人却道,“人是我带回来的,由她闹腾,如果……出事了,我负责。”好友提醒,“唐家的人,你各位书友要是觉得《唐菀江锦上》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w966-34976 >>




内容简介:一开始,周谧以为张敛是她的童话节选,不料后来,他却成了让她冷笑三声的现实文学。一开始,张敛以为周谧个性柔驯极其省心,不料后来,她却成了除他以外谁都对付不来的事儿精。本文又名《上班第一天 发现公司老板与自1w0-26281 >>


内容简介:【全文完结】【下本开《燎原》《初爻》文案在后求收藏】夏安二十三年春。数次战败于大夏的邻国楚梁,为了求和,将生了一副绝世容貌却因生母出身而倍受厌弃的三皇子裴溪故,作为一件用来讨好的玩物, 献给了大夏最尊贵的公主宋栖迟。宋栖迟看着锁在铁笼之中清瘦俊俏的少年,心中不忍,为了让他活命,只得假意接受了这份大礼。……而后风云突变,大夏一朝战败,皇帝为保江山,忍痛将宋栖迟献给了楚梁那位手段狠辣人人畏惧的年轻君王。宋栖迟眼角带泪,玉容失色,颤抖着身子缩在金笼的一角,人人都在等着看,这朵昔日大夏最美的娇花,会被那位暴戾的君王折磨成哪般模样。可人们等啊等,只等到裴溪故亲手将囚笼打开,俯身将她横腰抱起,眼角发红声音颤抖:“栖迟,别怕。”【风情妩媚温柔心软大夏公主隐忍狠戾偏执忠心邻国皇子】【高亮排雷】1男主前期由于身份问题会非常卑微,介意慎入,角色三观及行为请勿上升作者。2纯架空勿考据。,HE4防盗设置80,72小时【预收文1《燎原》文案】苏嫽作为相府千金,日日锦衣玉食,只觉得这日子无趣的紧,直到那日,爹爹从府外带回来一位不知身份的少年。少年天生异瞳,府里人皆道他不详,就连一向温顺知礼的大夫人也不愿留他在府中。唯有苏嫽,偏生对少年那双眼睛喜欢的紧,硬是软磨硬泡让大夫人松了口,将少年留了下来。只是一样,人是苏嫽要留的,便得由苏嫽来管。少年的眼底盛满不安,怯生生地牵住她的衣袖,小心翼翼地唤:“苏小姐……”苏嫽转身,笑起来时明媚如春日华光,生生晃了少年的眼:“叫姐姐。”他乖乖听话,温顺的如同一只窝在怀中的猫儿。数年后,大楚城破,铁骑涌动,烈火烧遍了皇宫的每一寸土地。曾显赫一时的苏府早已没落,苏嫽被仅剩的几个亲信护着,仓惶往城外逃去,却迎面撞上了那位白衣黑马的铁骑将军。鲜血顺着他手中的剑尖滴落,于白衣尾处勾勒出妖艳的轮廓。容渊翻身下马,将浑身颤抖的少女狠狠锢在怀中,终于露出了他锋利的獠牙。少年眼尾猩红,咬着牙一字一顿,身后有烈火燎原。“姐姐要去哪儿?”“你是我的,哪儿都不许去。”【明艳活泼大小姐病娇白切黑小狼狗】【预收文2《初爻》文案】季初摇生在永平十八年的正月十八。镇上的算命瞎子激动地握着她的手,说她乃天赐命格,生来能通鬼神,算天机,硬要收她做徒弟。季初摇无语望天,她长这么大连个鬼影儿都没见着过,上哪通鬼神去?奈何父母早逝,为着活命,季初摇只能扛起算命瞎子的家伙什儿,孤身一人来到京城挂起了神算的招牌,开始坑蒙拐骗。一日街边新贴皇榜,上头写着太子盛云朝遭邪祟缠身,若有能驱鬼者,赏黄金万两。季初摇双眼放光,想也不想就撕下了皇榜,凭自己这招摇撞骗的本事,想拿到那万两黄金还不是轻而易举 >>


内容简介:关于须尽欢:医女舒殿合因为追查自己的身世之谜,被迫入京参加科举考试,没有想到一举及第,还被当今的皇帝点为驸马。在公主的种种为难和皇权威胁之下,她夹缝救生,唯恐身份暴露死无葬身之地。当今 最受宠的公主宣城殿下:本宫不喜欢这段被强逼的婚事,本宫要亲手摧毁它,本宫要轰走不识趣的呆头鹅驸马,本宫发誓与她势不两立…嘤嘤嘤,可是本宫打不过对方,又没有驸马聪明,本宫该怎么办?混世魔王x久居深山不食人间烟火的古板大夫(但两个人1w0-69590 >>


内容简介:天道动荡,轮回崩碎,苍茫六界,天骄辈出,一位位不甘平庸的天之骄子,在这六界之地,演绎各自的传奇。北斗之地,七雄争霸,战火染苍穹。圣迹之地,百家争鸣,传承垂万古。妖冢之地,万族争雄,神威 破九天。六界之地,天骄争锋,承天逆乾坤。少年自开阳之地走出,掌封天之塔,驭千妖,驱万兽,轮回之路,谁与争锋?1w0-73769 >>

Shina Dark

Welcome to the cursed island of Shina Dark. This island is called home by the dark lord Exoda C. Claw AKA Satan. He's as powerful a being as you could ever hope to meet. Feared and hated the world over for the infinite amount of atrocities he's committed. He's.....actually a really nice guy who just wants to chill out around the castle and relax... After a month long nap he awakens to find that the rest of the world has made up another ridiculous rumor and blown it way out of proportion and that has caused his little island to be crowded with a thousand beautiful princesses meant to be his mistresses/sacrifices. Worse yet is that since they have set foot on his island they are all believed to be cursed and are now shunned by their homelands. What’s a couch potato Satan to do with 1000 women who wont leave? Who can say? From Operation Boredom: During an eclipse, demon Lord Exoda. C. Crown was revived. He is supposed to bring chaos and destruction to the world. The world is panicking, and as a sacrifice to the demon lord, they decide to send 1,000 girls to the demonic island, Shina Dark. However, in Shina Dark, all the legends are lies. Exoda does not sleep with 10 girls a night, and keep the others prisoners. He does not lust for girls, he does not want to cause mass destruction - he simply wants to live in peace. So when 1,000 girls suddenly show up in his island and refuse to leave, what will happen to Exoda, who simply wants to be left alone? From Baka-Updates


What color are you?

The Kidnapping Of Minja Jo's Boyfriend

Two high school girls are complete enemies, and they both are in their own gangs. They fight each other all the time, and to get even with the other, one girl tries to kidnap the other's boyfriend. But the information her right-hand girl gives her is wrong, and they kidnap some really good-looking guy who is NOT the boyfriend of the other girl. You know what happens. They fall in love. Side story: Photogenic Photogenic centers around the girl in question, who has gone to cram school every day of her school life, finds a photo of an amazingly cute guy, and imagines what it would be like to be his girlfriend, instead of being one of the smartest girls in Korea.

Virgin Wars

Kanami's father has a debt of 300 million yen! He can either pay the money or sell his daughter, Kanami, to the sex industry. Kanami decides to go to the sex industry for the sake of her father. But before she does, she wants to have a normal life and lose her virginity normally. In the bathroom, she mistakenly stumbles across her classmate, Ryuuno, having sex with a girl. Later on at a gokun, she meets Ryuuno. She gets drunk and she wakes up to find herself in bed with Ryuuno. She doesn't fight back. When she wakes up later on, she sees Ryuuno(with his pants still on 0_o) injured very badly! Did Kanami do this? Does she have some hidden powers she doesn't know about?

Skye O'Malley: A Love For All Time

Skye O'Malley: A Love For All Time summary: Skye O'Malley: A Love For All Time summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Skye O'Malley: A Love For All Time. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Under the Andes

Under the Andes summary: Under the Andes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Under the Andes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Legend of Old Persia and Other Poems

A Legend of Old Persia and Other Poems summary: A Legend of Old Persia and Other Poems summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Legend of Old Persia and Other Poems. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Rage. summary: Rage. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rage.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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