






简介如果……有让另一半不变心的药,你要不要给TA吃? 一位从未谈过恋爱、对爱情充满幻想与美好憧憬的22岁天才少女彦娜从小就一心想要建立自己的爱情理想国,在闺蜜美珊事件的契机下,她走上了一条不归路——反花心胶囊研制计划,正式开始! 【出品:微博动漫 工作室:空之岛动漫 责编:9527】每周四、周日更新

精灵宝可梦 欧米伽红宝石・阿尔法蓝宝石



类别都市 恋爱 生活






简介每周日更新!粉丝群QQ:535431411 远古御念术是涉及风水武学,阴阳五行等元素的超自然秘术,使用此术之人被称之为御念师,然而在这个世道,御念师则是邪恶的象征,主角宗天一是一名隐山修行的少年御念师,他将展开一场改变御念师命运的大冒险。






这不是一个漫画(不),这是一个“直播间”!当你认真看完前几话之后,就会忍不住每天来看这群男人在直播间搞事情哦~ 温馨提示:本作品有重要的男角色和重要的女角色,但没有男主也没有女主!(正色)










内容简介:简介:血海,猩红汪洋!人类,恐慌迷茫!怪兽们以恐怖的进化速度席卷整颗水蓝星,换来的却是人类跳跃式的辉煌!而这,不过是林天翊传奇的开始。常言道:猫吃鱼,狗吃肉,奥特曼打小怪兽!“打怪兽的 不一定是奥特曼,就像骑白马的不一定是唐僧!”——林天翊语。星际养殖场书友群:169284508本站郑重提醒:本故事纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。作者:月神NE所写的《星际养殖场》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-46280 >>


内容简介:★★★本书简介★★★楚眠被厉大总裁从贫民窟捡出来的时候,一无所有,后来她被宠上了天。“那个楚眠啊,弃婴一个,脑子还有问题,一副穷酸相。”有人说,然后就撞见楚眠连签数十本房产过户协议,签 到打瞌睡。“那个楚眠啊,后台都没有,也不知道横什么。”有人说,然后就看到第一财团总裁厉天阙公开了两人的婚姻。“那个楚眠啊,我知道,她早就不能生了!”又有人说,接着就被厉家小少爷打得钻狗洞,“妈咪不能生,1w5783-29674 >>


内容简介:完结文《后娘》本文文案:卫莱一朝穿成卫子夫,此时卫青还小,霍去病还是婴儿,离太子刘据出生还有十多年,一切都来得及。为了长命百岁卫莱决定健康从娃娃抓起,争取霍去病活到九十九,卫青儿孙满堂 ,发展经济搞基建,然后弄死刘彻。然而,汉武帝刘彻是重生的……—刘彻没想到他能活过来,擦拭着泛着寒光的宝剑:先杀谁好呢?帮太子兴兵的卫子夫?卫莱:……这就是穿越女主和重生的刘彻表面笑嘻嘻,其实都想弄死对方的故事。看文指南:1有私设,请勿代入正史;2文慢热,主走剧情,女主有金手指微博名:元月月半完结文:年代文:《重返1985》《我和我的沙雕老公》清穿:《太子妃很忙》《一条四爷,二饼福晋》1w0-28616 >>


内容简介:  穿越成修真世界的一个废柴,那还修你妹的真?  一道七彩霞光之后,杨真直接吊炸天了!  他看过的功法,直接满品满级,学都学不完!  他炼制的丹药,不但起死回生,还能青春永驻!  他锻 造的武器,上打神王大帝,下捅黄泉幽狱,每一件都让天地颤栗,让神魔退避!  “我杨真从不装逼,因为我真牛的一批!”  …………  一群:542062672(已满)二群:818906415(未满)1w0-1429 >>


内容简介:高中生上官能人被天降《十项全能》砸中脑袋,从此拥有了吞噬他人特长的能力,虽然只有十个大项,却足以让他变成牛掰的存在,吸引尤物的绝品男人。十大能力:1:医术(内科、外科、辩药、制药)2: 食神(厨艺、酿酒、甜点)3:学士(数、理、化、政、史、地、语文、外语【英语、俄语、日语、法语、德语、西班牙语、意大利语】)4:武功(拳脚、兵刃)5:驾驶(车1w0-96569 >>


内容简介:为了查清父亲死亡真相,楚晖以保镖的身份进入了上京环宇集团,大小姐看似温婉实则精明有手段,二小姐刁蛮任性却天真单纯,还有同居的冷酷傲娇的警察美女…… 楚晖发现,随着他身边的美女越来越多 ,他暗中探查的迷雾就越来越重…… 【上架后,日更一万!请多多支持!】1w0-1178 >>


A collection of oneshots. -Hen Ai: A oneshot that describes the 'strange love' the two main characters share. Rather humorous, as it often brings up that one is rather adamant about wanting to roleplay and the other 'grudgingly' goes along with it. -Tomari Ki: A man is stabbed and left for dead in an alley, but he is saved by a young man who has a halo and wings who calls for an ambulance. Later, the boy appears at the man's front door and claims to be an angel with broken wings, and states that the only way for them to heal is to make people happy. -Messiah no Yakubi: A man known as the Messiah whose tongue technique is said to heal impotence takes up a job to heal a nervous-looking man, but is quite surprised by the turnout. -Ore no Doukyuusei ga Binkan Sugite Yabai!: A pair of high schoolers decide to experiment by giving each other blowjobs. One wants to escalate to something more, but the other isn't sure... -Ore no Doukyuusei ga Kagen wo Shiranakute Tsurai: Continuation of the previous story. It escalates. -Kyoushitsu no Yugami: A oneshot regarding the 'relationship' between a teacher and his lonely, introverted student.

Do You Know The Real Dangers Of Those So-Called "legal" Drugs That Are Being Sold?

Part of a 2014 government anti-drug program.

The [email protected] - Your [email protected]

The [email protected] - Your [email protected] summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The [email protected] - Your [email protected] If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Tsuki No Shippo

Sometimes it seems like Usagi is hopeless. Sure, she's good with healing herbs, but she's the granddaughter of the leader of a prestigious ninja village and she's such a klutz that she's never made it out of the kiddie class. Finally frustrated with Usagi's lack of progress, her grandfather sends her to marry a local lord and have lots of ninja babies. But the lord has no interest in her or her child bearing potential! After years of goofing around, Usagi is finally determined to reach her goals - she's going to become a ninja and capture her true love's heart! Sequel to 'Tsuki no Toiki' http://beta.mangafox.com/manga/tsuki_no_toiki/

Code White

Code White summary: Code White summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Code White. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Siren And The Seashell

The Siren And The Seashell summary: The Siren And The Seashell summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Siren And The Seashell. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Library and Society

The Library and Society summary: The Library and Society summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Library and Society. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away

My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away summary: Pet shop owner Tang Wan was accidentally reborn into an interstellar world. When he opened his eyes, he found himself automatically married to a vegetable via the StarNetwork. A social status worth ten billion yuan; but with an unconscious husband, he was unable to withdraw any money. Tang Wan held the empty position of the First Gentleman, but was, in fact, a poor man.
In order to secure his future livelihood, Tang Wan was bound to the “Earth Pet System” and returned to his old business, with the goal of saving money, getting a divorce, and looking for a second spring!
After thousands of years of evolution, Earth’s energy depletion had long been abandoned to the distant corners of the Milky Way. All of the animals in the galaxy had evolved tremendously, and little furry cute ones only lived in textbooks. When Tang Wan and his cute little ones appeared, they became the treasures of the whole universe! The pet shop soon became famous in the interstellar world, and the whole universe lined up to be cat s*aves~
Finally surviving past the compulsory marriage period, Tang Wan happily took off the diamond ring worth billions: he can finally sell it for money!
However, Tang Wan could never have imagined that when he sat down at the dining table on a blind date with some fresh meat, the vegetative partner that he had come to an agreement with would suddenly open his eyes.
Gong: I heard you sold your wedding ring for one billion yuan?
Tang Wan reached out and pushed him down on the bed: Open what eyes, quickly close them.

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