






















简介超级英雄? 斩奸除恶? 正义化身? ——不一定哦...








简介世人皆知,大学士芮祤才高八斗、学富五车,可及冠多年仍未娶妻,乃是身体羸弱之故。而将门虎女南辰筱,泼辣凶悍,加之品行不端,除了一张脸明艳动人再无半点女人样。一个无人愿嫁,一个无人敢娶,圣上亲自为大学士与将门虎女赐婚,更称此二人为天下第一良配! 可实际上,大学士乃是娇滴滴的女儿身,将门虎子则是如假包换的男子汉大丈夫。当今圣上“指夫为妻”,所为哪般?【每周六更新,责编:阿丁】将门之子x温柔才女


内容简介:小甜饼,日更。不更会补。CP是小白花变态美人攻x胸大无脑(不是)帅哥受,不要站逆了哟隔壁沙雕甜文《这年头连鱼都有猫了》求收藏本文文案:赵闻筝穿成了某玄幻文里的一恶毒炮灰。原主嫉恨主角能 得到师兄的关注,恶意设计废了他的双腿,弄瞎了他的眼睛,又逼他下嫁给自己,日夜折磨。最后原主死于非命。大婚之夜,赵闻筝看看凄惨的主角,再想想一周后更凄惨的自己,咬牙握住主角冰冷的手。——你我已结为夫妻,从今往后,我会敬你、爱你,竭尽所能对你好。——可我只是一个废人。赵闻筝心里一凉:我会治好你的。一周后,师兄打上门,赵闻筝闭眼等死,主角却握住了他的手,对师兄说:不是他,你找错人了。赵闻筝死里逃生,看着两人交握的手,愧疚又感动,暗暗发誓要真心对他,不久却撞破主角与师兄的密谈:师兄:为何临时变卦?主角一改白日里的温柔怯弱,笑意凉薄:我只是突然觉得,亲手折磨他,更有意思。惊觉受骗,赵闻筝又气又难过,他一拍桌子,一不做二不休,当场把主角敲晕带走,从此就变成他一个人的!主角:等等,这不是我的戏份吗?——————————————↓↓↓隔壁沙雕甜文《这年头连鱼都有猫了》求收藏文案:穿成男主养的一条锦鲤,日夜被男主家的猫虎视眈眈,为了苟命,景毓不得不奋力修成人形,阴差阳错拜男主为师。男主是天上仙君下凡历劫,他跟着男主耀武扬威,远离傻猫不说,日后没准还能捞个神仙当当,别提多美了。直到男主渡劫,被天雷劈出了毛绒绒的大尾巴。“……”“师、师尊,你是猫?”景毓人傻了。毛绒绒的大尾巴勾住他的腰是啊。景毓就被猫师尊叼回了天上,心灰意冷感叹自己好一波千里送储备粮,瞧给这猫得意的。他想他怕是当不成神仙了。——他当了天后。——————————————接档自攻自受文《龙傲天光环消失之后》求收藏文案:迟宥一开始就知道自己是龙傲天的命,十二岁掉崖获不世传承、十五岁拜得明师、十八岁左右拥抱,从此走向人生巔峰。然而……十二岁,悬崖蹦极,活了,传承没见着。十五岁,拜入师门,成了,师父已收徒。十八岁,师姐师妹,纷纷心有所属。迟宥深夜借酒浇愁:这个龙傲天,不当也罢!他放弃治疗时,小师叔出现了。小师叔是宗门传奇,年纪轻轻就是名震八荒的第一剑仙。可惜生来体弱,拔一次剑要躺三年。上次出剑后就一直闭关不出。一出关就直奔迟宥而来。他夸迟宥天分高,剑术好,眼下不过是明珠蒙尘,假以时日必是人上人。迟宥被夸得晕乎乎,引以为知己。于是两人越走越近,渐渐同进同出同吃同睡同床共枕。宗门绯闻四起。迟宥大惊失色,忙澄清说,他绝无不轨之心。哦,小师叔想了想,可是我有。迟宥呆住。他看着小师叔含笑的眼眸,脸一红,觉得……自己的心思也不纯洁了。温缱看着 >>






内容简介:《东北寻宝往事》长白妖世界,北国地仙家。我原本是长白山一个小小的山村少年,却无意中得到了奇书“血引尸经”和“噬魂血眼”。我想救人,却总是在杀人。父亲那诡异的门派传承,十二奇门的千年隐秘 ,移山冢的幽暗秘境。究竟还有多少阴谋与诡谲,隐藏在我的周围?青铜鬼棺、铁枷异人、子母怨魂、千婴蛊盆!当我在无休无止的黑暗之路上前行的《东北寻宝往事》小说推荐:快意恩仇小神医、逆天神妃至上、徐振东苏以珂、纪先生既放手就别回头、透视小医神、柯学验尸官、宠物小精灵之王者无双、青叶灵异事务所、我可能是一只假的奥特曼、都市之破案狂少、都市修真邪少、不死帝尊、废柴逆天召唤师、傲娇鬼夫别乱来、诡纹、太古龙象诀、龙娘、混蛋爹地妈咪要改嫁、绝世大少陈歌、豪门崛起:重生校园商女1w0-68496 >>


内容简介:  夏诺这辈子最讨厌的就是匹配时秒选亚索的憨批,甚至当基友说出那句“开黑吗,我玩亚索,你玩石头人”时,直接一拳打飞了这货的医保卡。  然而他却从未想过,自己会有继承亚索传承系统的一天, 并莫名穿越到了海贼世界。  从此,疾风剑豪之名,开始响彻这波澜壮阔的大海贼时代!  【书友群:634887847】1w0-1442 >>


内容简介:  半神之躯,比肩凡人!  正经人仙,山海薅神!  【PS①:为什么书名不能加引号!】  【PS②:继续仙侠轻喜剧,已完本《我师兄实在太稳健了》、《地球第一剑》,放心追更,多多支持。   本书非洪荒体系,勿代入三清、道祖等人物,努力发掘更原生态的中国古典神话。新书普群:1071059242】1w0-2179 >>

Omake No Kobayashi-Kun

From Impossibility: This is the story of four high school students whose family name happens to be Kobayashi that end up in the same class. No Kobayashi is similar to another Kobayashi and in fact, three of them are considered something similar to the Bermuda triangle. Anybody who gets near, ends up...well...that's better left unsaid. New student Kobayashi Yamato is not afraid however, and already considers them like brothers and sister! Will his naive youthfulness be crushed forever? Will the everlasting power of 'always happy attitude' overpower the famous trio? Will anybody survive the year?

Maid Wo Nerae!

This one is a spinoff from Kore ga Watashi no Goshujin sama. The story is about a school, Shiritsu Yurihime Gakuen, an all girl school specialized in preparing maid for the otaku moe industry. Of course, the leader is no less, a Nakabayashi, a heavy-class otaku with unlimited asset to burn for while seven generations. Our main heroine this time is Mochida Natsumi, a girl with hentai mind as worse as Yoshitaka and luck as bad as Izumi. She came with the ambition of building harem of imouto. But life is not as beautiful as in those harem love comedy genre anime/manga, because in this school, all the girls are well educated in otaku business. Her couple is Kitamura Kiriko, a.k.a Mitsuki 2. Cute, innocent (looks) and demonic personality to the bone and teeth. She's also Natsumi's roommate, imouto, as well as goshujin sama. Kore de anata wa imouto no dorei to iu nasakenai jyougou wo te ni ireta no yo ♥ (with this, you've got yourself the miserable title as 'sister's slave' isn't it ? ♥)

100% Gokuama Kareshi!

From Midnight Scans: A sweet love story that will melt your heart! A gathering of the sweetest boyfriends. “No matter where you are or the time of day, I will protect you.” Story 1 Kodomo Jya, Naino (Yoshioka Ririko) Nono and Ryou are childhood friends. When they were younger, Nono always saved Ryou, but...?! Story 2 Natsu ga Chikai (Kimura Ayako) I like Tsuji Hideto, and in order to be able to speak with him every day, I purposely violate school regulations. Story 3 HOLE - Kirameku Sekai (Takahashi Rie) I never confessed my feelings to my unrequited love. In order to change a life of regret now, she goes through the opening! Story 4 BURNIN' VALENTINE (Higurashi Kinoko) Kazuki and Souma have been 'friends' for three years. Kazuki has finally decided to make a love confession and she tries to give him handmade chocolates, but...?! Story 5 Koizaki (Higuchi Megumi) Destiny put us in the same class!! It is extremely dangerous to be in the same class as the one I like!! Will my love blossom like a cherry blossom?! Story 6 Mame to Kurasu (Okinoko) The extremely sweet, lovey-dovey (?) relationship of the mysterious rabbit that shape shifts, Mame, and and the male high school student, Makoto, who live together, drawn in 4 frames!!

Kodoku No Kane Ga Naru

1) The Sound of a Lonely Bell Father Michael liked his best friend and was tormented by it. Viscount Hagen Ostendorf found out and took the opportunity to confess to Father Michael. Father Michael was shocked. Under Viscount’s courtship, would Father Michael accept him? 2) The Flower of Captivity As the powerless son of a rich family, Eugene is used to being manipulated for the good of the family name. But when he's captured by pirate Abram Roberts, his helplessness takes on a whole new dimension as the plaything of a ruthless buccaneer! 3) The Prince and I Hired as a Japanese tutor to Prince Syd Musafaru Baan, Mishima Kenichirou is shocked when the prince immediately asks him to be his lover! Can Mishima educate his troublesome student to the intricacies of the Japanese language and defend himself from the prince's devilishly charming sexual harassment? 4) Bubbly Night First Lieutenant Hirose has a reputation for purity, but his love for his seriously ill sister makes him thrown away his pride and be embraced by another man for money to support her medical care. Even though their relationship is monetary, Hirose can't help but notice how gently Harada holds him... 5) A Pure-Hearted Abortive Flower When Yakuza Akira is given a incredibly dangerous mission he's not expected to survive, his 'aniki' Kuga offers to treat him to something special to keep his spirits up. But Kuga doesn't expect Akira to say 'I want you...'! 6) The Place That You Desire After the war Masahito Takatou's family has lost the wealth and privilege that have insulated them for decades. But he has all he cares about, former servant and returned soldier Saeki Souji. Rescued as a child by the Takatou family, Souji's gratitude towards Masahito knows no bounds. Accepting that obligation has become painful for Masahito, who wants so much more from Souji than his 'duty'...

Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne? summary: A 45-year-old salary man dies in a train accident and is reincarnated as a newly born baby in a different world. For some reason he had special skills: “Natural Talent” and “Identify.” In order to make the best of this advantage, the protagonist resolves himself for his second life.

Her Sky Cowboy

Her Sky Cowboy summary: Her Sky Cowboy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Her Sky Cowboy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


!Tention summary: !Tention summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of !Tention. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Alone in London

Alone in London summary: Alone in London summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Alone in London. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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