












简介不就熬夜看个小说,醒来竟然穿越了,而且穿成了恶毒女配? 这个女配与白莲花女主积怨太深,就算她一再退避,重生逆袭的女主还是数次要害她性命。 不行不行,为了不被炮灰掉,她一定要找个靠山,而且是绝对讨厌女主的靠山……原著来源:圣诞文学网








简介可爱又可怕,像猫又像虫的谜样生物咖波, 治愈你的心,吃光你的肉。 温馨猎奇的日常故事就此展开!


简介醉酒的年小小从好友那里得知男友出轨,冲入酒店决定寻找渣男,偶遇被对手下药的男主。失身?重遇?面对霸道总裁年小小该如何应对?! 每周二、周四、周六连更三天










内容简介:长在红旗下,活在新时代,饱受房贷车贷摧残,一个三无好青年杨小伟!大学毕业四年后,在与曾经三个死党的一场聚会中,起先放出豪言要一干三,然后被三人利索的灌倒缩到了桌子下,等再度醒来时,人已 经到了一个妖魔鬼怪横行的世界!“咦,这里是犬夜叉世界,我成了贯穿全剧的大boss奈落?”“怎么会是这个苦逼?”“换成颜值与实力之担当的杀殿不好吗?”“算了,脸这种东西,捏一个就是了;实在不行,便退一步,让杀1w0-29339 >>


内容简介:季尧“今天被我咬了唇,今后你就是我的人。林微尘,我希望你能记住这种疼,以后想起它来…也能想起我…”林微尘爱了季尧七年,从十八岁到二十五岁。一年热恋、两年深爱、两年平淡…他没想到,自己也 会有累的一天。林微尘想,七年之痒,他与季尧,终究是熬不过了。当初那个咬他一口后却依然能腆着脸对他笑得一脸灿烂说着“我喜欢你”的青年,已经不在了…林微尘“季1w0-72410 >>




内容简介:德宣十五年,一少年一袭青衣,身骑白鹿,于雪原屠尽五百铁甲,不知所踪。同一时间,数百麻衣闯入城主府,逼死城主,分肉而食之。消息一出,天子盛怒,欲伏尸百万。却不料十万青衿跪城门,百官抬棺入 朝堂。世人大呼,麻衣何罪之有?不久,禁地异变突生,大陆皆惊,各大圣地纷纷惊动。那屹立山巅的人啊,惴惴不安。这是阴谋?大陆风起云涌,是何人将大陆当为棋盘,以天下人为棋子少年再次出山,年轻天骄层出不穷,是盛世还是乱世?世人不知,只将那少年称之为,白鹿少年。玄幻魔法类型的优秀作品真的很多,比较出彩的作品,我们可以一起来读读《青衣》这本吧。这是一本在懒得取名笔下洋洋洒洒的努力了多少个时日才完工的小说,你可以感觉到什么叫才华横溢、什么叫文笔流畅,作者灵感源源不绝,处处精彩不断。好书一本啊!洋洋洒洒的埋头疾书续写中收藏,关注,点赞必须的哟!小兵及时更新为您奉上最好的服务。懒得取名无抄袭纯原创力作之青衣最新章节、青衣无弹窗广告全文阅读连载、青衣TXT电子书下载最好的服务给最好的您。最好的阅读平台您我他她共同创!各位书友要是觉得《青衣》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!魁星阁《青衣》章节列表目录地址:请复制后分享给您的好友!好看的玄幻魔法小说排行榜推荐1w0-81208 >>


内容简介:  人间百态,万千神通,不过一山,一寺,一和尚而已。  新书:《兔子必须死》于6月1日开始更新,喜欢黄粱的朋友,可以去看看哦。1w0-4479


内容简介:高中时期,洛欢暗恋的那个少年,眉眼精致漂亮,性格孤僻冷淡,少有朋友,身上的校服总是一尘不染,洗得发白,清瘦的身上总带着大大小小的伤口。偏偏成绩却优秀的要命,是整个德川高中最特殊的存在。 没人知道他总是被打的半死,也没人知道,漆黑肮脏的小巷里,洛欢在每个晚上轻轻为他轻抚伤口。轻柔的呼吸拂过他身上的每一寸肌肤。某天,少年再也忍不住,捏着她的下巴,厉声警告她离他远点。那时的少女被按在墙上,眼睫轻眨,嘴角带着殷红的血迹,仰着脸冲他笑了笑,一双清澈水灵的眼眸却带着天然的无畏:“我不。”洛欢看着他冰山般的眉眼慢慢融化。可高二结束的那个夏天,他却毫无预兆地消失了。洛欢把所有的心动与歇斯底里都埋葬在了那个夏天。后来的洛欢,成为整个江北大学舞蹈系里最耀眼的小女神,在国际舞台上大放光彩,却因为单身至今被舍友们戏称为“小尼姑”。大三那年临近期末,院系联谊,不知情的副校长热情互相介绍:“这是A大医学系的江知寒,天联集团的大公子,你们互相认识一下。”短暂怔愣过后,洛欢落落大方地伸手,漂亮的眼底平静再无波澜:“你好。”江知寒却红了眼。当天晚上,洛欢就被喝得醉醺醺的少年堵在长廊。少年撇开一众人,眼底猩红,偏还动作小心翼翼地将她拥进怀里,声音微哑:“欢欢,不记得我了吗?”——*甜软小仙女x阴郁冷淡浑身是刺的少年*治愈小暖文*高中到大学再到成人1w0-4593 >>

Ultra Heaven

The story is set in a dystopian alternative universe where any kind of substances able to alter the state of mind is legalized and available to be consumed at home or in designated places called Pomp Bar. These products, once considered very dangerous, are now advertised on TV and the bartender choose those ones more suited to their customers or serve them his special cocktails. When the Pompies movement obtained the liberalization of the drugs it seemed a historical meaningful change destined to improve the world, a dream realized in a manner to radically affecting the way of life of humanity.But several years after the situation isn't so better, or perhaps the humanity is just adapted to the new situation. In a world where all feeling are artificials and where everyone is a potential drug addicted, nothing is really changed: the excess is near at hand and very few substances are considered dangerous and put under a strict control by a hygiene office which has full power on the drugs addicted who are in extreme condition. The main character is Kabu, a little peddler and heavy addicted. Used to any kind of hallucinogenic trip, he is able to feel the happiness through the ecstasy of the drug, while on the same time hypocritically hating who gave born to that society which has forced him to the excess. After an overdose caused by mixing two incompatible drugs, he spends his days looking for stimulants until the encounter with an enigmatic man who offers him a new kind of illegal substance:Ultraheaven From that moment his incredible journey begins, where dream and reality are fused in an undivided world, causing him hysterical or joyful reactions and unrestrained pains. But what really is Ultraheaven and who's really behind it? And who is the guru who is promoting the meditation as a powerful way to influence the whole universe surrounding us exploiting the quantum theory? With the help of a special amplifier helmet Kabu starts a trip into the deep and hidden layers of his conscience, diving into a nightmare he would never discover...

Aniki Joutou

Volume 1: 1-2) Aniki Juntou Ryuusei has always admired his capable, sexy eldest brother Ichirou. After witnessing Ichirou and his elder brother Gou in an incestuous embrace, Ryuusei questions his own desire to monopolize Ichirou's affections. 3) Christmas GO! Yaizu brothers spend their Christmas. 4) Gentle Green The rebellious Haruki latest debacle with his cousin causes him to be send to his distant relative's place. There he meets Cecil, a British apprentice of the old man he is to live with. While he discovers a new love for landscaping, he slowly builds his new life with the old man, Cecil and Bunta, the lazy dog. Volume 2: 1) Aniki Joutou Ichirou collapses after overworking himself. 2) Adult Horror Yaizu brothers take part in a courage test at the graveyard. 3) Aniki Joutou Ryuusei suspects Ichirou of having an affair with the famous actor Takita (include part one, two and third of act 4). 4) Gou's Painful Memory Gou finds some memorabilia of his childhood and recounts his childhood for Ryuusei. 5) Yaizu Brothers Catalogue Characters profile. 6) Sweet Home Yaizu family's interview.

My Precious

One day Minoto was passing by Mayue's place and heard the piano tune through the windows. Fascinated by the beautiful music, Minato approaches to the house and Mayue invites him into the house. Together, they become friends and depend on one another... however, Mayue later gets a proposition for studying aboard to Vienna.... --Baka-Updates

Izo's Lover!

From SCX-Scans: Once upon a time, there was a courtesan who fell in love with an impoverished Noh-mask maker. However, when her lover rejected her, the courtesan threw herself from a bridge in despair. She left behind a note cursing him and his descendants. In current day one of that man’s decendants, Izou, discovers that the guardian mask at his temple has cracked and the ghost of the past has come back for her lover.

The Lost Years

The Lost Years summary: The Lost Years summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Lost Years. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

King Arthur's Knights

King Arthur's Knights summary: King Arthur's Knights summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of King Arthur's Knights. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Till the Clock Stops

Till the Clock Stops summary: Till the Clock Stops summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Till the Clock Stops. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Kandace and the Beast

Kandace and the Beast summary: Kandace and the Beast summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Kandace and the Beast. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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