内容简介:颜云被渣男抛弃病死他乡,临死前看到自己瞧不起的丈夫身居高位,挽着她当初看不起的苗小凤,风光无限的出现在电视上。而当初自己厌烦抛弃的亲儿子濡慕的叫那个她看不起的女人妈,想到自己被苗小凤挑 唆着跟人私奔,一口鲜血喷了出来彻底咽了气。老天有眼,她重生了,重生在了她还没酿成大错的时候,这一世她发誓要成为贤妻良母,好好疼爱儿子守护丈夫,到达人生巅峰!但可惜,俞冉不是这本励志年代文里的女主,而是倒霉的穿成了这本重生年代悔过文男女主对照组那个给自己丈夫戴了三顶绿帽子的悲催男配的炮灰童养媳!女主事业有成,男主一路高升,就连女主的娃都是别人家的孩子。而俞冉,被男配不喜,婆家厌恶,儿子猫嫌狗憎!女主幸福美满,漂亮的令人炫目。而俞冉,逐渐熬成了黄脸婆,丑的让人震惊!最后女主儿女双全,活成了全国人民羡慕的模样,俞冉则一尸两命,死后还被人谩骂。而现在,俞冉就成了这个对照组的倒霉炮灰!她韬光养晦,携手比男主还要光风霁月的科研之父,牵着漂亮的像个小神童的孩子,一路美到让人窒息,更是获得了世界医学最高奖!颜云:“……”不是说是个炮灰童养媳吗?为何活的比她这个重生的还像天选之女?她怀疑自己重生错了,但是没有证据。1w0-107449 >>
内容简介:更新时间:一更中午12点左右,二更晚上9点左右,其他时间捉虫下本开【我靠养成男主逆天改命】专栏可见,求预收本文文案:丁妍一朝梦醒,发现自己穿成了一本修仙文里的苦情女配。痴恋多年的未婚夫 会抛弃她,往日恭顺的师妹会欺负她,就连唯唯诺诺的杂役小童也能来踩她一脚。被误解、被污蔑、被凌侮,可她善良大度地原谅了所有伤害过她的人,并与未婚夫上演:《千里追爱只为你回眸一笑》、《做不成道侣可以做情人》、《我瞎了瘸了都没关系只要你幸福就好》等等虐心又虐身的稀烂戏码。丁妍醒了、惊了、吐了,这女配谁爱谁当,她不伺候了。“是时候做出一些改变了……”她想着,拔出了寒光迫人的宝剑。先把渣渣未婚夫踹掉吧!很多人都认为,丁妍主动退婚是在玩欲擒故纵。“你一定会后悔的,不出三天,你一定会跪在师兄面前,哭着求他原谅你!”但谁都没有想到,前未婚夫竟然先向她求和了。丁妍当即拒绝。以前恋爱脑让她舍弃骄傲,失去自我,不曾爱惜过自己一次。而今后,她只想努力修炼,仗义执剑,结成仙身入大道,活出自己的人生。意外的是,她退婚之后时来运转,不知道什么时候,正道宗门中最难搞的大佬被她攻略到手了……他日复一日麻木地活着,没有期待,没有喜怒,灰暗与血红构成了全部。直到有一天,一束温柔的光照进他的生命,诉说山河清风,点化斑斓亮色。让他知道,他也可以为自己而活。【女主战力爆表VS男主美强惨】███【划重点】【划重点】【划重点】███1这是一个女配成长逆袭的故事,有挫折磨难,但不会苛待女主,不是一路爽爽爽的打脸虐渣文,作者有ac数,没用“爽文”标签。2男主并非常人,性格孤僻,初期还很迟钝,很难接触。女主外冷内热,温柔只给男主和配角女孩子。境界:启元境、凝台境、知虚境、化婴境、转轮境……(初期中期后期大圆满)1V1HE,谢绝扒文,目前防盗50,章节多了会加推荐基友预收文文【恶毒女配是天道真千金】,搜作者【梧叶青青】专栏可见哦————————预收文【我靠养成男主逆天改命】苏爽,专栏可见预收文文案:崔蓉蓉穿进刚刚通关的男主向修仙恋爱游戏里,成了同名同姓的可攻略对象“崔蓉蓉”。相比于其他天资优异的女性NPC,她没有灵根,无法修炼,最好的结局也不过被龙傲天男主带去修仙宗门,看他浪蝶戏春,左拥右抱,终生困在后苑之中,寿元三百岁而终。至于其他可能的结局:1拒绝被龙傲天攻略,待在凡间嫁人生子,因为难忘旧情导致夫妻不睦,最终难产而死。2与龙傲天好感不够,没能跟去修仙宗门,后遭强盗掳掠受辱而死。3与龙傲天好感足够,拒绝前往修仙宗门,结果凡间战火四起,不幸被俘身死。……崔蓉蓉无语了,难道就没一条跟龙傲天无关的HE路线吗?谁能甘心只做凡人 >>
内容简介:作为穿越史上最憋屈的穿越者:被吓死穿越的主角潼玉灿,虽然获得了金手指系统,但是这系统也并不靠谱,竟然是个女装系统,所有的任务都和女装有关。潼玉灿:我今天就算是死这里,从教学楼上跳下去, 也不可能穿女装!系统:开启变性倒计时!让宿主真正体验女生的生活,变性后系统变为男装系统。潼玉灿:我女装,女装真香啊随后男主便开始了自己的女装之路本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《都市之我不想做女装大佬啊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-88189 >>
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Once upon a time in a fantasy world plagued by war, a group of four brave souls challenge the source of all the evil. It seemed all was lost until one of the heroes defeated the enemy with a powerful spell. The four heroes were able to seal this great evil to be forgotten forever - or so they thought. The next scene in this story takes place years later with the children of those who sealed away the great evil. The sealing was accomplished by combining the power of two pendants. A foolish dark knight is somehow tricked into stealing the pendants, to break the seal that conceals the great evil. He defeated the heroes and kidnapped their children. With the two pendants in hand, he broke the great evil's seal. A remaining hero sends the children to another time so that, maybe, the world will have another chance. What will become of the children? How could they possibly defeat someone that their parents could only seal away? Who is the great evil and what is his purpose? Only time will tell as they venture on into several strange, yet familiar worlds.
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The Inside Story of the Peace Conference summary: The Inside Story of the Peace Conference summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Inside Story of the Peace Conference. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
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The Making of a Soul summary: The Making of a Soul summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Making of a Soul. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.