




类别热血 玄幻 校园




















这就是一个日常 搞基 搞笑 搞(————)的漫画,嗯!同食者,就是一同吃饭睡:male_sign:觉(哔————)的人哟~






简介俗话说,明骚易躲,暗贱难防,宅腐呆萌,各有所长。闷骚小明,猥琐贱哥,女王天姐,腐女甜妹,高富帅晨哥,屌丝男高高,这些人物其实并不虚幻,他们都生活在你的身边。 《小明日记》整天都在搞什么?讽刺时事,饮食男女,苦逼上班族,悲催学生狗,无话不说,无人不黑,无图不撸,无女不护,这就是小明的Style。


内容简介:1V1大荤大肉双处全文免费在线阅读。怜黛佳人小说1V1大荤大肉双处讲述了:【免费新书】【火热连载】身为华夏第一修仙者,林修身怀惊天绝学。他携千年记忆回归都市,手握滔天权柄,掌控巨额财富 。这一世,定要纵横无敌、搅动乾坤、登临苍穹之巅!1w0-97972 >>




内容简介:  末世即将到来,江流石意外得到了一个可以让交通工具改装升级的黑科技。扫描一下,立刻就可以进行改装。什么,你以为我这是中巴车?其实我这是可以在怪物丧尸中横冲直撞,还能变形的超级基地车。 不但防弹防丧尸,里面还有卧室、厨房、淋浴间,还能发电。末世是苦难,但江流石却过得逍遥自在,任凭外面僵尸如潮,江流石有大餐吃,有软床睡,任凭你生无可恋的校花美女,上来住几天也会对生命充满希望。1w0-2681 >>


内容简介:“我不是要你屈服,而是要你甘心情愿。”他微笑着对我缓缓开口,俊美无俦的脸上盈着抹浅笑。记得很久以前,在明溪绿水畔惊鸿初见,他的黑发散乱随风,唇角的薄笑如云曦流瑞的日华。红尘几番,人间百 转,待铅华褪尽,相逢应不识妾身。几点宫灯绰约,他端坐高宇,笑如狡狐,眸中点点寒光。翻手覆掌间,他恣意任性地拨弄着瑶琴筝柱,姿态柔美胜画。“你以为,这一世逃到天涯海角,我就再找不到你吗?”玉盏杯倾,弦断难续。我仰头,看漫天黄叶飞舞,乱过眼底。掬起淡薄的轻笑,回眸顾盼,走入红尘。金戈踏马,乱世豪雄四起。且看谁能主天下,过尽浮云几番,儿女情长,水远天高。河山万里,烦扰尘嚣,纵马驰骋,再不管身后苍茫天地,悠悠穷碧。醉眼问花花不语,春风望断是天涯。1w0-110033 >>


内容简介:穿越超神宇宙,降临天使星云,开局面对神圣凯莎。“所以,我该怎么办?”看着想要探查自己记忆,却被系统反手镇压的神圣凯莎,孟德陷入纠结中。(主世界:超神学院。穿越世界:天行九歌、灵笼,斗罗 大陆、假面骑士,奥特曼,元龙,复仇者联盟,武庚纪,斗破苍穹等等。诸天流)1w0-99354 >>


内容简介:战士:库克就是人渣!居然用陷阱,而且是魔法陷阱。弓箭手:库克就是最猥琐的,你们见过猎人在前面顶着,宠物在后面偷袭么?盗贼:天啦,你是说库克那个混蛋,上次我居然被他偷袭了,他的飞刀比老子 的还准,你认识那个混蛋么?魔法师:库克那个应当的家伙,居然让宠物爬上老娘的内衣里面去了,不要让老娘再看见他!药剂师:那就是个天才,配置的毒药以及解毒剂根本是我没有见过的。库克:其实我只是被逼而已,真的,谁让我的宠物不是很强悍呢?一个有着八分之一兔人血统的猎人传奇。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《非常猎人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81163 >>

Caramel Espresso

The hero in this manga has a split personality and each personality has it's own lover! Aki is right-hander and seme (but he denies his homosexuality), Ao is left-hander and uke (acts bad guy and reduces Aki's too much stress). One personality is afraid the other one will take over and destroy it. In the end, which will win? Ao feels he will be deleted by Aki and asks Sayuu to help him...

Mazinger Angel Z

Mazinger Angel Z summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mazinger Angel Z. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Issho Ni Kuraro

1. Let's Live Together The boss who arrived with the staff transfers is, in spite of being my boss, super cute. Toda-san came from the Kansai Branch, and somehow ended up freeloading at my house...! When I come home I'm greeted by a half-naked Toda-san, at night we share one bed and Toda-san rubs against my back...!! Wha-what?! I've been embraced!! This kind of life seems like the sweet life of living together with your lover... or so you might think, but between two men is it 'living together' or 'homosexuality'? What am I thinking!! - From Nakama 2. Fight With Love Kitada Aki has been stuck taking care of Otoda Jun since highschool. Lately, though, Jun has been saying bad jokes about being in love with Aki... what should Kitada do? 3. Secret Meeting When Sasuke's father died, Zenjirou swore to stay by his side. Sasuke was taken in by a brothel to be raised as a male prostitute from childhood, while Zenji spent years searching for him. Zenji finally found him... but Sasuke/Yakumo* reached 16 and has already been bought for mizuge (losing-the-virginity ceremony). Will Zenji's love be unrequited, or will they both be partners in a forbidden love? Can Zenjirou watch the only one he has ever loved be owned by another man? A story of love between a prostitute and a young master. *Yakumo is Sasuke's 'shop' name. 4. Pure Thread of First Love A 'prequel' to Henai Prince. This is the story of the younger Takahshi brother Kenji and and the youngest of the Satou brothers, Youhei. It's not exactly a prequel as it is about different characters. 5. Clumsy Lovers Hashimoto-sempai is always yelling at Nishi. All the other soccer players say that Hashimoto is bullying him, but Hashimoto actually loves Nishi very much... he just doesn't know how to express himself well. Their relationship stays forced, until Hashimoto finds out Nishi is going to Italy to go pro... 6. Let's Pass Time Together Extra on Matsushita and Toda from chapter 1

Sweet Tears (Mio Junta)

Sweet Tears (MIO Junta) summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sweet Tears (MIO Junta). If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Books Before Typography

Books Before Typography summary: Books Before Typography summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Books Before Typography. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Tacitus on Germany

Tacitus on Germany summary: Tacitus on Germany summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tacitus on Germany. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Doctor Who_ The Price Of Paradise

Doctor Who_ The Price Of Paradise summary: Doctor Who_ The Price Of Paradise summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Doctor Who_ The Price Of Paradise. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Shakespeare, Bacon, and the Great Unknown

Shakespeare, Bacon, and the Great Unknown summary: Shakespeare, Bacon, and the Great Unknown summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Shakespeare, Bacon, and the Great Unknown. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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